924 research outputs found

    Análisis de severidad y seguimiento de la regeneración de tres incendios en Galicia en el 2013

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    En el año 2013 en Galicia se contabilizaron un total de 3623 incendios forestales, afectando a 19388 ha (MAGRAMA). El estudio de los espacios quemados y su seguimiento permite obtener una información valiosa para una adecuada gestión y ordenación de los espacios forestales de cara a reducir el número y la intensidad de los siniestros. En este Trabajo de Fin de Máster se han analizado tres de los incendios forestales que afectaron a Galicia en el 2013, dos de ellos, los de mayor extensión y el tercero localizado en un espacio de la montaña oriental de Lugo. En el estudio de los incendios se han empleado imágenes de satélite de diversas plataformas y sensores (Landsat 8 OLI y Terra MODIS), para generar distintos productos que permiten obtener una lectura de la severidad de los incendios así como el grado de recuperación de los espacios ardidos. En este TFM se han propuesto tres objetivos. El primero, determinar el grado de severidad de los incendios y comprobar qué variables son las que la condicionan. El segundo, analizar el papel de la severidad en la recuperación de los espacios afectados por el fuego. Para conseguir estos dos objetivos se han empleado técnicas estadísticas (ANOVA) para confirmar o rebatir las hipótesis de partida. En el tercer objetivo, se ha pretendido medir el grado de regeneración de los incendios, mediante el uso de vectores multitemporales y el uso de otras fuentes de información, como son los datos de LAI y fAPAR generados por el sensor MODIS. Para facilitar la comprensión de los resultados y de la cartografía generada, se ha implementado un espacio web de descarga de la información y de acceso a una aplicación web map para la visualización dinámica de la cartografía

    Robot guidance using machine vision techniques in industrial environments: A comparative review

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    In the factory of the future, most of the operations will be done by autonomous robots that need visual feedback to move around the working space avoiding obstacles, to work collaboratively with humans, to identify and locate the working parts, to complete the information provided by other sensors to improve their positioning accuracy, etc. Different vision techniques, such as photogrammetry, stereo vision, structured light, time of flight and laser triangulation, among others, are widely used for inspection and quality control processes in the industry and now for robot guidance. Choosing which type of vision system to use is highly dependent on the parts that need to be located or measured. Thus, in this paper a comparative review of different machine vision techniques for robot guidance is presented. This work analyzes accuracy, range and weight of the sensors, safety, processing time and environmental influences. Researchers and developers can take it as a background information for their future works

    Prototipo brazo robótico.

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    La Inteligencia Artificial (IA) es la rama de las ciencias de la computación que se ocupa de construir sistemas que permitan exhibir un comportamiento cada vez más inteligente. Un brazo robótico es un tipo de brazo mecánico, normalmente programable, con funciones parecidas a las de un brazo humano; este puede ser la suma total del mecanismo o puede ser parte de un robot más complejo. Las partes de estos manipuladores o brazos son interconectadas a través de articulaciones que permiten, tanto un movimiento rotacional, como un movimiento transnacional o desplazamiento lineal. El efector final, o mano robótica, se puede diseñar para realizar cualquier tarea que se desee como puede ser soldar, sujetar, girar, etc., dependiendo de la aplicación. En algunas circunstancias, lo que se busca es una simulación de la mano humana, como en los robots usados en tareas de desactivación de explosivo

    A profile measurement system for rail quality assessment during manufacturing

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    Steel rails used in the transport sector and in industry are designed and manufactured to support high stress levels generated by high-speed and heavy-loaded modern trains. In the rail manufacturing process, one of the key stages is rolling, where fast, accurate and repeatable rail profile measurement is a major challenge. In this paper, a rail profile measurement system for rail rolling mills based on four conventional, inexpensive laser range finders is proposed. The range finders are calibrated using a common reference to properly express the point clouds generated by each range finder in the world coordinate system. The alignment of the point clouds to the rail model is performed by means of an efficient and robust registration method. Experiments carried out in a rail rolling mill demonstrate the accuracy and repeatability of the system; the maximum error is below 0.12%. All parallelizable tasks were designed and developed to be executed concurrently, achieving an acquisition rate of up to 210 fp

    A scalable WebRTC platform based on open technologies

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    International Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems (7th, 2018, Colmar, Francia

    Aptamers against live targets: Is in vivo SELEX finally coming to the edge?

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    Targeted therapeutics underwent a revolution with the entry of monoclonal antibodies in the medical toolkit. Oligonucleotide aptamers form another family of target agents that have been lagging behind in reaching the clinical arena in spite of their potential clinical translation. Some of the reasons for this might be related to the challenge in identifying aptamers with optimal in vivo specificity, and the nature of their pharmacokinetics. Aptamers usually show exquisite specificity, but they are also molecules that display dynamic structures subject to changing environments. Temperature, ion atmosphere, pH, and other variables are factors that could determine the affinity and specificity of aptamers. Thus, it is important to tune the aptamer selection process to the conditions in which you want your final aptamer to function; ideally, for in vivo applications, aptamers should be selected in an in vivo-like system or, ultimately, in a whole in vivo organism. In this review we recapitulate the implementations in systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (SELEX) to obtain aptamers with the best in vivo activity

    Numerical evaluation of the Green's functions for arbitrarily shaped enclosures

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    In this paper, a new spatial method has been implemented for the efficient calculation of the mixed potential Green's functions associated to electrical sources, when they are placed inside arbitrarily-shaped cylindrical cavities. The technique consists of placing electric dipole images and charges outside the cavity, imposing, at discrete points of the metallic wall, the appropriate boundary conditions for the potentials. Results show that the numerical convergence is attained fast. The cut-off frequencies and potential patterns for a trapezium-shaped waveguide are compared to those obtained by a standard finite elements technique, showing excellent agreement. Furthermore, a printed planar filter shielded in a square cavity has been analyzed with the new Green's functions, showing the practical value of the new theory.This work has been supported by Spanish National project CICYT-TEC2004-043 13-C02-02/TCM, and by Fundacion Séneca project, Ref. 02972/PI/0

    Evaluation of Three Methods for CPR Training to Lifeguards: a Randomised Trial Using Traditional Procedures and New Technologies

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    [Abstract] Background and objectives: When the drowning timeline evolves and drowning occurs, the lifeguard tries to mitigate the event by applying the last link of the drowning survival chain with the aim of treating hypoxia. Quality CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and the training of lifeguards are the fundamental axes of drowning survival. Mobile applications and other feedback methods have emerged as strong methods for the learning and training of basic CPR in the last years so, in this study, a randomised clinical trial has been carried out to compare the traditional method as the use of apps or manikins with a feedback system as a method of training to improve the quality of resuscitation. Materials and Methods: The traditional training (TT), mobile phone applications (AP) and feedback manikins (FT) are compared. The three cohorts were subsequently evaluated through a manikin providing feedback, and a data report on the quality of the manoeuvres was obtained. Results: Significant differences were found between the traditional manikin and the manikin with real-time feedback regarding the percentage of compressions with correct depth (30.8% (30.4) vs. 68.2% (32.6); p = 0.042). Hand positioning, percentage correct chest recoil and quality of compressions exceeded 70% of correct performance in all groups with better percentages in the FT (TT vs. FT; p < 0.05). Conclusions: As a conclusion, feedback manikins are better learning tools than traditional models and apps as regards training chest compression. Ventilation values are low in all groups, but improve with the feedback manikin

    Diseño, Implantación y Desarrollo de un Máster en Ingeniería Informática

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    Este artículo describe el Máster en Ingeniería Informática de la Universidad de Oviedo, impartido en la Escuela Politécnica Superior de Ingeniería de Gijón (EPI). Es uno de los primeros estudios de máster en Ingeniería Informática implantados en España conforme a las Directrices del Consejo de Universidades para estudios conducentes a la profesión de Ingeniero en Informática (Resolución de 8 de junio de 2009, BOE 187, martes 4 de agosto de 2009).This paper provides an overview of the Informatics and Computing Engineering Master Degree at the Gijon Polytechnic School of Engineering (University of Oviedo). This is one of the earliest Informatics and Computing Engineering master’s in Spain designed according the National recommendations for the Informatics Engineering professio